Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jammu deserves better people !!!

I always hear Jammu for all wrong reasons and I am not sure about the actual problem out there.After looking at the bigfight in NDTV,I thought to myself Jammu deserves better people.

I don't think the people where anytime came across the following words

Well even the old people still don't get that difference of opinion or conflict is a common thing among people .No matter how much external counseling you do ,the change of perspective should come within.I think the root cause is educational system which failed to teach them the aspect of teaming.

The business schools here give huge importance for teaming activities.For example,Kellog has a team assignment for their students to assess the situation of chicago to host Olympics 2020.I thought it was awesome project since you get to analyze the benefits the city will get, at the sametime how much of business development could be happen with proper infrastructure funding.This requires lot of team effort and other diversified people to coordinate,collaborate and cooperate.

I think each school in Jammu should have a simple teaming activity which improves coordination,collaboration and cooperation.If they even played a dumbchardes game together,they would have learnt enough lessons to avoid time again terror situation in Jammu.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Olympics Medals Tally URL

Awesome URL. The way they designed this site was very interactive especially the break ups and medallists by event report.

Hav fun !!!

Jumpstart -Funny Animation !!!

Aug 19-My MBA Tuesday Team Meeting

In my Coles MBA program at Kennesaw State university,we have teaming course going throughout the program. My Team consists of Clint,Craig,Grace,Mark,Monica and ofcoure me.

We our Team meetings every Tuesday evening irrespective of the Team Assignments.As We all are gearing up ourselves for International Trip to Romania ,We have Business Culture presentation due once we return.

After Me leading the Caribou Coffee Team Presentation experience ,Craig tookover leadership of putting this business culture presentation together.Today's meeting is all about presentation practice.

It was the first of many that we will run through in order to raise our comfort and confidence levels in front of a group. Believe me, it really does get easier every time you do it. By the time we present in class we will feel so relaxed, you won't believe it.

Presentation outline is like this...

If there is one thing I consider myself an expert on,
it’s the subject of

I am an expert on this subject because, ….
There are three things I know for sure about __________
and they are as follows:
First, ___________________________
Second, _________________________
Third, __________________________
Allow me to summarize with something important about


The key thing that you need to remember is this ….

For each practice We will raise the bar a little.

Our current meetings Measures were ...

Our posture and stance. (Body language.)
Our use of 'ums' and 'ahs' which break up your message. (Clarity of message.)
Our eye contact with the audience. (Be sincere. Capture their attention.)
Our timing through the slides. Practice making your point in sync with the slideshow.

Mark,Craig,Monica and Me showed up for the meeting.

Craig went first and his area of expertise was his wife .I thought it was creative and funny .No wonder he was known as D thinker of our team from our HDBI results.Monica area of expertise was her two dogs .Well not a surprise as she was C thinker in our team.Mark(ABC thinker) picked about his area of expertise as Managing Techincal Team and i picked my area of expertise as "Nothing" :))))) Well I thought about this topic and finally found being expertise in nothing is very good thing.

hav fun :))) !!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Inspirational - Don't Quit Poem !!!

Have you wondered what you could do to yourself !!!

Aug 16,I was very excited to see the full moon in my sky all over again.I got to wait for a lunar month to see this amazing sight.It was only in last few years,I have began to cherish this full moon that is quite a story will blog another day about it.
As usual I began my long walk ,I started to thinkover the fact the how the mind often finds itself so scattered or caught up with one particular thought.Well thoughts are colors in our sky of minds.They say artists can color the sky red because they know it's blue. Those of us who aren't artists must color things the way they really are or people might think we're stupid.

Well let's take a logical minds view on the mind.I think mind is nothing but full of piles of thoughts.It needs a magnetic force to align them together and set itself to a direction of a passionate journey towards acheving a desired dream.
The people who found a very strong magnetic force in them founds themselves ambitious went ahead and conquered their dreams.Their ablity to align their pile of thoughts could be anything ,It could be money,power,knowledge or fame.

Then there is cateogry of people who found their ablity to align their thoughts via art.For example a musican is able to align is thoughts to play a melody or a hip hop.
Some found this magnetic force in their technical or functional expertise.Some found in yoga.
Well the rest are just looking of oustide magnetic force which is able to attract the one inside them and inspire them to go after their passionate journey towards their dream.
In logical mind it is always 0 or 1 which makes sense when it actually does not.Well even they would know that it better to try to get near 1 rather than sticking with 0.
Art world is quite different and quite a amazing experience to wonder how do they attempt to paint the color of the mind.

Well in the world full of distractions ,I wish I could often see this clear full moon .For me it will be always this moon which charges the big magnet in me and aligns my thoughts into new dream.

hav fun !!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Saturday evening's Potluk !!!

After a long time ,Aarthi Shankar throwed a potluk party at her home.As usual I was told not to come without a good dish to eat.They somehow got an imagination that I am excellent cook with few of my dishes at the begining of this year's potluk.Trust me,Cooking needs good amount of time and concerntration.Although I didnt want to disappoint my friends ,I thought of sticking to a low profile egg curry.It is easy,risk free and quick enough to make soon after mba class before I got hit their potluk.

As usual,everybody i know in atlanta turned out in Shankar,Aarthi & Aarnav's place.
I could see Vidya,Gopa,Kiran,Suraj,Sanjana,Kirshna,Kalpana,Ajith,Sophia ...I found out from Kiran that Vinu,Vijay & Rohan will join later in the night after work.Yes,these are my most happening desi friends here in Atlanta.

Everybody had their meal and caught up on each one's update.The energy level among all these couples never seems to drop out and they all began to play Dumb Charades with movie names.Shankar,Aarthi,Gopa,Kalpana,Kiran and myself made one team and rest on the others.Vidya didnt seem to be well so she ended up being the score and time keeper for us.It was quite funny with all the act and this is first time i thought all the friends had their fair chance .Vinu,Vijay and Rohan joined in middle of the game.

It was around 11.00pm ,Gopa felt it is high time for him to leave and he was joined by Vidya,krishna and Kalpana.The rest joined to play a game so called UNO.This is first time i playing this game and so do few other friends in the gang.We had two trial run and even after i couldnt get the game right.It was funny game just like the Bamboozled from friends.Aarthi and Sanjana found themselves to master the game in no time.I and Ajith were racing for the fav loser spot with huge points collection and I won all of them fair and square. :)))

Fav moments during the game :
Suraj called this one out.Vijay the counted +2 card(Special card gets 20 poitns) and 4 to be twenty four poitns.Sanjana clarfied with vjiay asking him that whether it is just because he saw 2 in one and 4 in another ended with 24 :)))).

Vijay called this one in end.Vinu asked whether two people can play this game.I played along saying ,"oh yeah even one can play",Then Vijay added if you happen to get a skip during the game then game is hung forever :)))).

Here is my egg curry recipe

6 Eggs (hard boiled)
1 onion
1/2 tomato (pureed)
3-4 flakes of garlic
1/2-inch piece of ginger
1-2 green chilies
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
Salt To Taste
Red chili powder to taste
3/4th tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp coriander powder
3/4 tsp garam masala
2-3 tbsp vegetable oil / ghee
1 cup green peas or 250 gms paneer

Remove the shell of boiled eggs & keep aside. If using Paneer cut into cubes and fry till golden & set aside for later use.
Make a paste of onion, garlic, ginger and green chilies in a mixer or chopper.
Heat oil in a kadhi or wok and add onion-garlic paste and fry till golden brown.
Add all the spices (salt, turmeric, coriander & chili powder) except garam masala and fry for a minute and add tomato puree. Fry till it starts leaving oil.
Add a cup of water and cook till it dry's.
Now add the fried paneer cubes or green peas (which ever using) and boiled eggs.
Add 1 cup of water and bring to boil and reduce the flame.
Simmer for 10 minutes.
Garnish egg curry with garam masala and coriander leaves and serve hot with paratha, roti or rice.

hav fun !!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Buna ... My way of gearing to Romania !!!

Eversince I joined my MBA at Kennesaw State University ,I was looking forward for this Romania International Residency trip.This Saturday,Bianca wentover the Romanian culture with the below video.

Being born and bought up in Chennai ,I find it difficult to travel within India as majority of Indians speak in Hindi,somehow I find it very easy to travel international places like Japan,Malayasia,Singapore or US.

I often find that during my International travel that places are built keeping people in mind and moreover people are much more down to earth and honest.For example,In Japan where you can hardly find any signs in english but you can find all the picture signs to get you where you want to.if not common people will make an effort to understand and accompany you to your destination.It was fun plus challenge in tokyo to travel places like Mt Fuji,Akihabara,Disney and the Underground Museum out there.

Coming Back to Romania ,Bianca gaves up glimpse of what we are about to see during our Sep 13-Sep 27 Trip to Romania. I found it very funny as she went over explaining What to expect interms of accomadations,transportation,food,party,sightseeing & teaming,may be it is just because as Indians we always bought up to deal with dynamics of situations.I thought it was too much of spoon feeding for this Trip.

Here are the few pictures shared to us:-

Finally ,Bianca concluded very proudly stating that Americans can look forward for beautiful women and wine during the Trip.Many of my american peers found it very encouraging and voiced "We are coming :)))) " hav fun !!!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Pentagon's New Map

If you have the time, I highly recommend watching this video from start to finish. Great preso on globalization. It's difficult to see some of the slides but, all you really need to do is listen to the presenter...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Proud Indians stood up for their National Anthem and dispersed !!!

We All know that India's Independence was the most significant event of the last century .It transformed the world ,the India,and the millions of men and women who fought their way to freedom.Aug 15th is dedicated to their memory.India's Independence was fought by individuals,each with his or her own unique experiences and stories.These individuals were real people,very often our parents and grandparensts,though ordinary they made extraordinary sacrifices for each other and for future generations.To see them,listen to them and be with them is to touch history.

I think we can do lot better than the redundant headline "Proud Indians stood up for their National Anthem and dispersed " Shall we ???


Getting Access to your Creative Mind !!!

The misconception about creativity that has done so much damage and has held back the development of creativity for at least two decades. There are far too many people out there who believe that creativity is just brainstorming and being free to suggest crazy ideas.

In my observations, I find that people who have a brainstorming background tend to perform rather poorly. This is because they are always looking for the way out, exotic idea and often miss the simple, practical idea which is at hand. It is as if during a brainstorming session each participant is trying to make the other participant laugh at the craziness of an idea.

Everyone knows that instant judgment is the enemy of creativity. That is certainly true because judgment will force us back to our present position. The brain is not designed to think creatively but to set up routine patterns of perception and behavior and to make sure we do not deviate from these. Judgment is the powerful tool we have for keeping on these routine tracks. Judgment is like the stern father forbidding the playfulness of a child. So if judgment prevents creativity then all we have to do is to suspend judgment, defer judgment or delay judgment in order to be creative. So we believe it is sufficient to be crazy and free and nonjudgmental. Surely we will then be more creative? It is not as simple as that.

Children are often creative. Innocence can be creative. Ignorance can be creative.

Then there is the matter of the right side of the brain. This is the more innocent side of the brain and has not learned "how things should be." In using the right side of the brain we tend to draw things as they are rather than as we know them to be. I believe the right side of the brain represents creativity, do you ???

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Whole Brain Thinking !!!

Dr Brock guidelines for Whole Brain Thinking

Stages of Dialogue...
Clarify the goal of the session – what is the focus and what is the desired outcome?
Reality Check – explore the current situation
Consider options
Plan: What is to be done by whom by when

A parting thought ...
I contend, however, that all things being equal, we will be creative and more effective for people we like. And we like them in direct proportion to how they make us feel.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Google Tales

Check this out ...

I hope this day is not that far ... :))))))

hav fun !!!


Friday, August 1, 2008

Success !!!

If you have lived well, laughed often, and loved much…
And if you have gained the respect of men and women, and the love of children…
If you can leave the world better than you found it…
If you never lacked appreciation for the earth’s beauty, and never failed to express it…
And if you looked for the best in others, and gave the best you can, that would be success!