We our Team meetings every Tuesday evening irrespective of the Team Assignments.As We all are gearing up ourselves for International Trip to Romania ,We have Business Culture presentation due once we return.
After Me leading the Caribou Coffee Team Presentation experience ,Craig tookover leadership of putting this business culture presentation together.Today's meeting is all about presentation practice.
It was the first of many that we will run through in order to raise our comfort and confidence levels in front of a group. Believe me, it really does get easier every time you do it. By the time we present in class we will feel so relaxed, you won't believe it.

Presentation outline is like this...
If there is one thing I consider myself an expert on,
it’s the subject of
I am an expert on this subject because, ….
There are three things I know for sure about __________
and they are as follows:
First, ___________________________
Second, _________________________
Third, __________________________
Allow me to summarize with something important about
The key thing that you need to remember is this ….
For each practice We will raise the bar a little.
Our current meetings Measures were ...
Our posture and stance. (Body language.)
Our use of 'ums' and 'ahs' which break up your message. (Clarity of message.)
Our eye contact with the audience. (Be sincere. Capture their attention.)
Our timing through the slides. Practice making your point in sync with the slideshow.
Mark,Craig,Monica and Me showed up for the meeting.
Craig went first and his area of expertise was his wife .I thought it was creative and funny .No wonder he was known as D thinker of our team from our HDBI results.Monica area of expertise was her two dogs .Well not a surprise as she was C thinker in our team.Mark(ABC thinker) picked about his area of expertise as Managing Techincal Team and i picked my area of expertise as "Nothing" :))))) Well I thought about this topic and finally found being expertise in nothing is very good thing.
hav fun :))) !!!
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